Beetroot Pickles

This recipe for beetroot pickles is inspired by Christine, a wonderful chef and master-pickler at Stoney Street restaurant where we both work. She always adds slices of ginger with the skins on, and would make us eat these once they were pickled because of how delicious and healthy they are. Unfortunately I didn’t have ginger available this time, but add it if you do! The result is a deliciously earthy and beautifully magenta pickle which is perfect with smoked fish or as part of a mezze platter. 

(Makes 500ml jar)

8 raw beetroots 

200ml water 

200ml white wine vinegar 

1tbsp sugar 

1tbsp salt

5 strips orange zest

10 peppercorns 

2 bay leaves 

  1. Preheat your oven to 120C / 250F / 1/2 Gas 

  2. Wash your jar in hot soapy water and then place in preheated oven to dry and sterilise for 15 minutes. 

  3. Fill a pot of water and set to boil. 

  4. Meanwhile, wash the beetroots, peel their skins and chop into rough pieces about 3cm x 3cm.  

  5. Blanch the beetroot pieces for about 10 minutes in boiling water, or until slightly soft, then drain and leave to cool. 

  6. While the beetroot is cooling, weigh out the water, white wine vinegar, sugar and salt and heat gently until the sugar and salt are dissolved and it is beginning to boil.

  7. Put the cooled beetroot into the jar with the orange zest, peppercorns and bay leaves spread evenly throughout. 

  8. Then pour over the vinegar mix until the jar is full. 

  9. Seal tightly, label and leave for a week outside before eating, then refrigerate.  


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